Friday, August 14, 2009

Bloody trousers and a chipped tooth

My favourite thing to do in the whole universe is to take photos and make photos, oh... and eat, but that is a blog on its own, so I'll just stick to the photography.
I am currently completing my Btech at NMMU (4 years.flip.woah) which has proved to be more of a holiday than anything else considering all the traveling and ''research'' I've been doing this year. Although I must say, creatively, it has been an extremely fullfilling year. Focusing on exactly what I want to do and having the freedom to experiment. It took me 6 months to narrow my practical project down but I think I have finally got it. After a constant struggle with my own flippen stubborn self. I landed on the death of nature. Being a girl who likes tea and cake and shiny things, I have always been inclined to make things beautiful and dramatic, but when you think of the death of nature, you definitely don't think of the word pretty. no no no! No matter how hard I tried to make it beautiful, the further it pulled me away from beauty until I found myself in a dodgy slaughterhouse ordering a pig's head from a man with bloody trousers, dirty fingernails and a chipped tooth! Now... I like it. (hehehe)

So people faces stay ''tuned'' and join me on my journey looking at dirty hair, skinned backs, broken fingers, slightly twisted necks and roast teeth. Because we are edible too!
I'm not a hippy or a goth, okay.

(confused? i know)

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